Death in Space

Here’s a bit of fun for you: an animated short of ways one could meet one’s end on a space adventure, by professional animator and illustrator Tom Lucas.

Obviously this is more science-fiction than science fact, what with the hungry aliens and all, but you still wouldn’t want to smash yourself in the faceplate with a chunk of asteroid. (Not without some Duct Tape handy, that is.) The timing is great, and I’ll admit to actual LOLs at the end.

Find more of Tom’s work here, including the equally-spacy short “Botanical Nightmare!” (Perhaps Tom should be getting a NASA contract for outreach videos!)

HT to 


  1. janmalique says:

    Rather touching and instructiove, highlighting the possible dangers of space travel.


  2. thanks dude..this one is save me..I hope I can get many friends in here


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