Incredible Images of Earth from Saturn and Mercury

What does the Earth and Moon look like from other planets in the solar system? Just more pretty little lights in the dark…

Cassini Snaps a Picture of Earth from 900 Million Miles Away

So did you get out and Wave at Saturn on The Day the Earth Smiled? If you did (and even if you didn’t) here’s how you — and everyone else on Earth — looked to the Cassini spacecraft in orbit around Saturn, 898.4 million miles away.* As Carl Sagan famously said, “That’s here, that’s home,…

Ring Shadows Surround Saturn’s South

Cassini gets a great look at Saturn’s southern half in this color-composite, assembled from raw images acquired on July 13, 2013. Click for a larger view in my Flickr stream (the original raw images were only 1024 px, so it’s still a little grainy.) I adjusted the channel histograms quite a bit to achieve a…

On July 19, Smile and Wave at Saturn

…because Cassini will be watching — and taking pictures! In three weeks, on Friday, July 19, the Cassini spacecraft will be taking pictures from orbit around Saturn, capturing the ringed planet in eclipse against the Sun. This will not only provide fantastic views of the planet’s rings and atmosphere, but will also include another treat:…